A Time To Share

Our God is a God of Nations:
"He so love the WORLD ... He gave His one and only son..."

Thursday 9 November 2017


Candied orange peels 
are good as a snack
as ingredients for some fruity bakes like cakes and bread

Homemade ones are fresh and the taste is marvelous.

Candied Orange Peel
3 large Sunkist oranges
280g sugar
180g water

1. rinse the oranges & cut the top & bottom off the orange
2. cut the fruit into quarters & remove the skin
3. cut the skin into strips & scrape away part of the white pith
4. bring to a boil the orange strips with enough water to cover it
5. once boiled, drain & repeat (4)
6. stir together sugar & water in a pot, bring it to simmer
7. add the peel and continue to simmer until the peels appear translucent.
    Do not stir to avoid crystalization, but can swirl the pot or press in the peels
8. remove peels & spread to dry, may take a day or 2
9. store in air tight containers or fridge

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